Small Business Loan

Features Detail Particular
Product Methodology 
  • Group Lending
Product Names (English)
  • Small Business Loan 
  • Success Loan
Product Names (Myanmar)


Small Business Loan Success Loan
  • အသေးစားစီးပွားရေး ချေးငွေ
  • အောင်မြင်ခြင်းချေးငွေ
Loan Purpose
  • Business operation
  • Business extension
Target Market
  • Low Income People
  • Micro Enterprise which has been running legally
Maximum Financing Quantum (per member)


Small Business Loan Success Loan
  • 1st Cycle – Max: 300,000
  • 2nd & Onwards – 

                   Min: 300,000 

                   Max: 1,000,000

  • Min: 100,000
  • Max: 500,000
Loan Tenor
  • 12 months
Eligible Clients


Small Business Loan Success Loan
  • New 
  • Existing – Loan renewal 
  • Existing clients who are at least (6) months with Small Business Loan
Basic Criteria 
  • A least (1) year with current employment
  • Applicant must be Myanmar nationality whose age is between 18-60/65 years old.
  • Permanent resident in existing village/ ward (OR) at least over 3 years living in the current township
  • Family Guarantee – Must be over 18 years old Myanmar Citizens (Prefer Employed Person)
  • Group Guarantee 
Grouping Features (New)


Group Forming Center Forming
  • Min – 3 people
  • Max – 6 people 
  • Min – 15 people
  • Max – 65 people
Interest Rate
  • 28% p.a. (Bases on any changes made by FRD or related government bodies)

Interest Calculation


  • Annuity (EMI)
Service Charges
  • 1.5% on Approved Loan Amount
Social Welfare Fund
  • 0.5% on Approved Loan Amount
Compulsory Saving
  • First Time – 5% on Approved Loan Amount
  • Second & Onwards – 1% on Approved Loan Amount
Minimum Prepayment on Principal
  • 10% of Principal
Prepayment Fee
  • 2% on total prepaid Principal (Partial/ Full Amount)
Debt Service Coverage Ratio
  • Min 1.5 times
Debt to Equity Ratio
  • Max 2 times
Disbursement Channel
  • At center 

*As per the loan amount of whole center, respective authorized person to lead the disbursement as below:

  • Up to 3 mil – By CDO
  • 3 to 5 mil – By ABM
  • 5 – 10 mil – BM
  • Above 10 mil – RM

  (*GM will join occasionally)


  • Money Transfer Agent 
  • Bank Account Transfer
Repayment Frequency
  • Repayment Frequency will be chosen by OKM MFI/ offered to the clients as per specific Township (Based on the recommendation of Local authority and majority types of businesses in such territory. Options are as below;
Option (1) Option (2) Option (3)
  • Principal – Weekly
  • Interest – Weekly
  • Principal – Bi Weekly
  • Interest – Bi Weekly
  • Principal – Monthly
  • Interest – Monthly
Repayment Channel 
  • Group Loan CDO collection
  • Money Transfer Agent 
  • Bank Account Transfer
Member Meetings
  • Based on Repayment Frequency of each center, meetings follow up to be as below;
Weekly Repayment Bi Weekly Repayment Monthly Repayment
  • Bi Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
Available Location for loan application
  • Any OKM MFI branch
Loan Approval Expiration
  • (1) week from loan approval has been officially informed to client by LO.